Smoking and Tobacco Behavioural Research Agreement
Behavioural Insights and Social Marketing Project - Smoking and Tobacco Objectives: •To develop a good understanding of why people smoke/vape in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire •Provoke a community commitment to a smoke free city and county •To increase awareness in adolescents and parents of the health impact of vaping. •To understand the prevalence and why young people vape in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire •To understand if there are any community variations in smoking behaviour within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire •Develop a clear relatable brand and associated social marketing campaign Below is an outline of the key themes of the project including scoping by Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire of what each theme could contain. Branding: Creation of an empowering, recognisable, and relevant brand for the Smoking and Tobacco Control strategy and workstreams across Nottinghamshire. Vaping habits of adolescents: Insight and in-depth understanding of why and how children and young people (CYP) vape including exploration of factors that have protected adolescents from vaping We would like an understanding of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire specific, •Reasons they start vaping •Influences and enablers. •How they get access •Their perception of harm •Have they gone straight to vaping (previous smoker of cigarettes / cannabis •What they vape i.e., nicotine based, cannabis based, both •Type of vape/e-cig i.e., disposable, re-useable, bright colours, model As part of this insight, we would also like some inclusion of parent / responsible adult views and understanding of similar themes; Perception of harm, were they the enabler, do they recognise the scale of the problem in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Smoke Free Spaces: For this area we would like insight and understanding on the following; •Which places in the city/ county should be smoke free (if any) and why for example, children's play areas, side lines of sports pitches and school gates. •How could this be sold to residents - marketing and messaging •How best would a smoke free space be managed/policed. •Which areas have residents noticed are hot spots for smoking and for vaping locally. Social Movement: •Do residents want/care about a Smoke Free City / County? •What would it mean to them, is it something they would get behind and feel proud about? •Advocacy - everyone across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire with the same messaging, approach, and thoughts
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85000000 - Health and social work services
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1 Possible Competitors