Social Housing Grounds Maintenance re-procurement
Introduction Pickering and Ferens Homes have appointed The Tectum Consultancy Ltd to manage the re-procurement of their Grounds Maintenance (GM) contract by way of an Open Procedure as defined under the PCR2015. The Contracting Authority for this opportunity is Pickering and Ferens Homes Trustee Ltd (CRN 13968187), a not-for-profit Registered Provider of Social Housing (A4020). For the purposes of the PCR2015, the Contracting Body is deemed to be a Body governed by Public Law. About Pickering & Ferens Homes (PFH) PFH's origins lie with the philanthropic activities of 2 prominent Hull businessmen - Christopher Pickering and Thomas Ferens. Over 100 years ago and completely independent of each other, the two men set up Trusts and funded the construction of almshouses across Hull and the East Riding. The two Trusts formally merged in 1992 and became 'Pickering and Ferens Homes' Housing Association. In line with their charitable objectives PFH provide accommodation and accompanying services predominantly for residents aged over 60 years old. The Opportunity High quality GM services are of great importance to PFH's residents, and we have recently worked with our residents to review the service and codesign the specifications and standards our residents want for the future. PFH are excited to bring this opportunity to market and are specifically looking for longer term partners with whom we can form a positive and collaborative working relationship to deliver that consistent, high quality resident focused grounds maintenance service. For this call to competition, we especially welcome interest from Micro Businesses and SME's. PFH have ambitions to build more homes in the local area, meaning that over time this opportunity will grow in value as the association grows. PFH wish to procure GM services to cover 1453 properties across 46 sites located within Kingston-Upon-Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire. The current contract, which expires in March 2025, is packaged as a single lot, however for the re-procure,ent it has been spit into 3 Lots. The contract term is set at seven years comprising an initial 3-year term with 2 optional 2-year extensions. There are no obligations under either Section 20 of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1988 or TUPE. The competition will be published on the Delta e-Sourcing portal under reference S727DTFBE6 effective 15 November and close on 24th December at 15:00 hours. Please note that ALL communication must take place via the Delta eSourcing Portal.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
77300000 - Horticultural services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors