Social Prescribing Service for NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group and Kingston upon Hull City Council
NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (hereafter the Contracting Authority) and Kingston upon Hull City Council, are seeking to jointly commission a Social Prescribing Service through an open procurement process. The preferred Bidder will be required to demonstrate how they will deliver services in an environment of transforming health care provision as outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View and Hull 2020 Programme. The Five Year Forward View (FYFV, NHS England, 2014) specifically highlighted the need for new approaches to health care provision that utilise and combine with community assets. The Social Prescribing model fits with the NHS FYFV and provides an effective means to address these support factors. Improving the health of the poorest fastest by addressing inequalities in health is a key strategic aim for NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and is a principle within the Hull Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The role of broader social and economic factors in achieving this is acknowledged and primary care is a key access point for this wider support. The service will be required to: •Provide one-to-one sessions with Wellbeing Co-ordinators (WBC) for people referred to the service. These sessions will use solution focused conversation to build upon people's strengths, promote their independence, and provide further targeted support where appropriate; •Provide support to: help the person identify and access appropriate information and advice, develop and improve family connections, relevant and appropriate informal neighbourhood relationships, and develop connectedness to local community groups and organisations. Welfare advice needs will also be specifically addressed; •Provide general welfare advice covering a wide range of issues, including debt, welfare benefits, employment, family, housing, immigration and asylum, etc.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors