Social Worker Assessed and Supported Year in Employment Con_13495
This is a single contract to deliver the funding and support for employers to deliver a comprehensive programme for NQSWs that is effective in providing support in their first year of practice and tailored to meet the needs of participants on the ASYE programme across England. Tue programme provides meaningful engagement with employers and NQSWs to continue to build on programme strengths and further the impact of improving the quality of social work practice and retention of child and family social workers from all backgrounds. The contract requires the development and management of a system to administer payments to employers and associated registration and administration activity as well as allowing employers to register as providers of the ASYE programme. This includes allowing employers to register when individual social workers commence, transfer, withdraw or complete their ASYE. A key objective of the contract will be to establish and build relationships with the sector and effectively communicate the requirements of the ASYE programme including details of how to participate, access funding and the responsibilities of each party. The contract will also identify and support employers to develop, implement and share best practice, including establishing a best practice quality assurance framework for the ASYE programme for employers to quality assure their own provision, and other resources, tools and guidance that support a high-quality ASYE experience for NQSWs. The contractor will be the public face of the ASYE in the sector and should be seen to be leading the drive for effective delivery. Quality assurance and continuous improvement are key.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
Status :
Assign to :
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Low Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors