Soft Market Test / Engagement Exercise - LD Day & Employment Services Review
Powys County Council is seeking to redevelop its Learning Disability Day and Employment Services over the next 15 months and is currently undertaking a comprehensive project to review all of its service provision and remodel the service. The Council will be engaging with service users and their families, professional staff and the third sector to look at what services can be developed in the future within a tightening financial context. The Council is seeking to engage with providers regarding the possibilities and approaches for different types of service provision.As a first step the Council would welcome approaches from providers in Learning Disability Services who have experience of innovative practice or who believe they have creative ideas in relation to new models of services for Learning Disability Day and employment support. The Council are working towards ensuring that people with a learning disability have improved opportunities for valued occupation including paid employment.In the Joint Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy, Powys County Council have specifically committed to developing opportunities for work, leisure and learning by:-Developing more flexible services across 7 days where possible.-Developing volunteering as a way to learn and support valued citizenship.-Exploring use of a wider range of opportunities, including those within universal services.-Working with the third Sector to develop independent options and solutions to service provision.-Developing more social enterprises and trading companies.Powys County Council want to work with organisations that share the Council’s social care values of providing local high quality services, which offer value for money whilst delivering the outcomes that matter most to those who use our services.The purpose of this notice is to assess Market interest in working with the Council to develop day and employment service provision. Providers may draw on either direct experience of innovative projects they have been involved in, or new models of service they have knowledge of and believe would meet the needs of individuals with a learning disability in Powys.Written Submissions of no more than 1000 words should be made by no later than 12 noon on 15th February 2016 via the eTenderwales portal. The Council welcomes collaborative proposals and approaches from social enterprises and views this speculative notice as the beginning of a dialogue with providers in the Care Sector.The Council will acknowledge receipt of all submissions via the eTenderwales portal only. It will ensure that all submissions are kept confidential and not shared with any third party without express permission.This is a Soft Market Test / Engagement Exercise, this is not a call for tenders.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
85310000 - Social work services
85300000 - Social work and related services
85320000 - Social services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors