Soft Market Test for Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) installation framework and operating concession
Cornwall Council is conducting a soft market assessment to gain an understanding of the potential level of interest across the private sector for the provision for entering into a: 1.4-year framework agreement with Cornwall Council (CC) to supply and install charge points (electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)) in Cornwall both on Cornwall Council land (public car parks and office/ depot estate). This will include: a.An initial call of to deliver at least 150 grant funded EV charge points across Cornwall which will be full funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and CC as part of a £3,625,000 project led by CC; and, b.Options for future framework call offs for the supplier to supply and install charge points either fully funded by CC or funded by a funding mix that could include additional grant funds, CC match funding, and/ or supplier co-financing. 2.8-year concession contract to manage, operate and maintain: a.CC owned EVSE installed by the supplier/ concessionaire through the framework; b.CC owned legacy EVSE to be added to the concession by mutual agreement of CC and the concessionaire; and, c.Concessionaire self-financed charge points installed by the concessionaire in agreement with CC hosted CC property. It is intended that the responses supplied will enable the council to develop a business proposal. Any such proposal would be subject to the development and approval of a business case, and, as such, this exercise implies no commercial commitment. This is not a formal tender document. Participation of this soft market assessment will not prejudice suppliers participating in any future procurement. If you are interested in this area of service provision and helping with our assessment of the market, please review the supporting information and complete the "Information Required" section at the end file 21.03.30 CC - Drive EV2 - Soft Market Test Template v0.4. This can be found via the website or on the Proactis E-Procurement Portal under project reference DN535964 Soft Market Test for Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) installation framework and operating concession. Please submit any questions relating to this Soft Market Test via the Due North messaging system by 17:00 hours on the 23.04.21. Final Written responses to the Soft Market test should be submitted via the Due North messaging system by 17:00 hours on the 30.04.21.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors