Soft Market Test for New Models of Care (Children and Young People presenting with complex emotional and mental health issues)
Local Authorities have a duty to provide or procure homes for Children in Care (referred to as children looked after in legislation) which is explicit in the Children Act 1989. This has since been strengthened by the introduction of Sufficiency Statutory Guidance (2010) and the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review Regulations 2010. There is a duty of 'sufficiency' that requires local authorities and partners to ensure that, through direct provision or commissioned services, a range of homes sufficient to meet the needs of all children in care are available locally, or that there is a plan in place to move towards that position. In Cornwall, the number of children presenting with complex emotional and mental health issues has risen steadily over the last 5 years. Demand also outstrips supply for crisis placements which sometimes results in either children living far away from home or not having the appropriate level of support to remain at home. We would like to develop a new approach for Children and Young People presenting with complex emotional and mental health in the community and acute settings. This is a particular issue for 16- and 17-year-olds but not exclusive to this age group. Cornwall Council are seeking your opinion; and would like to hear from providers who might already have experience of; or want to help us to develop a new approach. We would like to understand what options are available and hear about the current challenges. Cornwall is a large rural geographical area, so it is important that providers understand the requirements and challenges this entails. It is intended that the responses supplied will enable the Council to consider future options, which might include a pilot project or partnership approach. Any future provision would be subject to development and approval and, as such, this exercise implies no commercial commitment. This is not a formal tender document. Participation in this soft market assessment will not prejudice suppliers participating in any future procurement. If you are interested in this area of service provision and would like to express an interest in developing a new approach with Cornwall Council, please complete the "Information Required" section at the end of this notice along with any additional information you consider to be relevant. Please return this via the Due North system by 12pm (noon) on Friday 1st March 2024.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors