Solar Panel and Battery System W H Harvey and Sons Newlyn Cornwall
William Harvey and his three sons - Ronnie, Jack and Gerald - began selling crabs, crawfish and lobsters in 1955 to satisfy a short seasonal market. The business originally traded from a small unit in The Fradgan, located behind the Fish Market, close to the Old Post Office, right in the centre of historic Newlyn. A two-storey building at Tolcarne was also used as a maintenance base for fishing vessels, transport and property as well as for cold storage. The current Coombe headquarters were taken over unit by unit from neighbours as they retired or moved on. This building has always been associated with the fishing industry. Salt was shovelled into one large store and this was used to cure the locally caught pilchards; alongside the salt store, stables were provided for horses used to transport fish from boats landing on beaches; haylofts were used above the stables; at the southern end were fish packing stores. The business had sole ownership in 1974 and adapted this building into a retail outlet, cooking, processing, storage and administration unit, whilst still retaining its historic charm and continues to source, cook and handpick crab meat and shellfish. This project is to help W Harvey & Sons Limited to with its CO2E reduction. The purchase of this system is part of a grant funded application process and therefore procurement will be subject to grant approval of the project. We will assess tenders received on a Most Economically Advantageous Tender for Lot 1 (PV system) and the lowest compliant bid for Lot 2 (batteries).
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1 Possible Competitors