Sole property agent to support the marketing and letting of space at Swale House, Sittingbourne, Kent - A1038
Marketing Proposals for parts of Swale House, Sittingbourne, Kent. ME10 3HTr r Swale Borough Council is seeking to appoint sole agents to market the available space on the first and ground floors of Swale House. r r Operational changes mean that the Council has a reduced space requirement in it main office building, with the first floor now fully vacated. Any occupation of the ground floor will likely be on a shared basis as it still provides essential client-facing/operational uses for the Council but it nonetheless provides opportunity for similar organisations to lease space. r r The net internal floor area (NIA) of the (total) ground and first floor of Swale House is approximately 28,536sqft (2,657sqm) representing c. 40% of the total floor plate of the building.r r We are seeking agents to market the property in the regular print and online media; to undertake inspections, negotiate and agree heads of terms and to manage transactions to completion through communication with potential twangs and legal representatives.r r In addition to setting out their fee structure, we are asking interested parties to set out their relevant experience; how they would draw up their brief and then subsequently market the space available.r r Submissions should be marked as Swale House Marketing Proposal and uploaded to the portal no later than 12:00noon on the 23rd November.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors