Solent LEP: Developing a Local Industrial Strategy for the Solent
The Solent LEP is inviting bids from suitably qualified, independent, experienced and resourced support to develop a long term Solent Local Industrial Strategy. The Local Industrial Strategy is to be based on clear evidence and aligned to the national Industrial Strategy, for agreement with Government by 29th February 2020. The Local Industrial Strategies Policy Prospectus provides guidance on how a Local Industrial Strategy should be developed and what should be included. All proposals should be consistent with this guidance. The Solent LEP currently has a budget of £100,000 (including expenses, excluding VAT) with which to complete this work, however, in the event that full brief cannot be achieved within this budget, the Solent LEP is offering this work over two Lots. Lot 1 - completing the work to a budget ceiling of £100,000 Lot 2 - completing the work with no budget cap Lot 1 bids should provide a proposal to deliver the service within the budget of £100,000, inclusive of all expenses but excluding VAT and set out the deliverable outcomes achievable for the proposed maximum price for the duration of the contract. Lot 2 bids should provide a proposal to deliver the service in full with no budget cap. Suppliers are invited to submit proposals for one or both of the Lots. The Solent LEP is commissioning this work through is accountable body, Portsmouth City Council. The initial contract period will be for 12 months, extendable in increments to a maximum of 24 months, subject to performance and agreement of all parties. The closing date for receipt of your expression of interest is given against the heading entitled - Date documents can be requested until.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors