Somerset CCG - Elective Care Services
Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group (SCCG) is going to award a contract to Nuffield Hospital Taunton for elective care services., The currently contracted service expires on 31st March 2022. In making this further award, the Commissioners are awarding a contract for a period of 12 months until 31st March 2023 with an option to extend for a further 12 months. There are no guaranteed activity volumes, however current service is approximately £2m per annum. The services commissioned are elective care services, predominantly in the specialty of Trauma and Orthopaedics, with some General Surgery and ENT. The provision also includes Inter Provider Transfers from local NHS Foundations Trusts to ensure the continued support in elective recovery across the Somerset system within the established infrastructure and geographical footprint of Somerset., The range of services included in the contract support the principles and regulation of patient choice, particularly as it pertains to the NHS Constitution, the Standing Rules Regulations, and the NHS Choice Framework., Nuffield Health Taunton continues to provide a good quality service that meets the needs and expectation of the Commissioner and Patients, and the Commissioner has no concerns regarding the proposed provider's ability to deliver the service through to April 2023. As a result of all the material factors noted above, the Negotiated procedure without prior publication has been followed and justified under regulation 32(2)(b)(ii) 'competition is absent for technical reasons'.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors