SOSCARE Support and Maintenance
We require the Social Services Client Administration and Retrieval Environment (SOSCARE) application to continue to be supported until 2029. The SOSCARE system provides the ability to record clients and related referrals and assessments, and deploy and manage Social Work resources to provide appropriate services to these clients. These clients come from areas including Children's Services, Vulnerable Adults, Residential Care, Home Care, and Meals on Wheels, and the services provided include Fostering/Home Care (including payments), and Occupational Therapy (OT) and Hospital Social Work (SW) Referrals. The Children's Services include areas such as Child Protection, Looked After Children [LAC], Childminders/Playgroups, Adoption and Foster Carer's. Departmental Statutory Reporting for key areas is also provided. £1,125,599.11 has been previously directed awarded to BRM for SOSCARE support and maintenance from April 2021 . It is our intention to complete a further Direct Award to the value of £1,500,000.
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CPV Codes
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors