South Devon Fishing Industry Development
THE PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS BELOW ARE READ ONLY. DO MOT USE TO COMPLETE AND SSUBMIT TENDER. REGISTER AN INTEREST TO ACCESS PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS TO COMPLETE AND SUBMIT. ONLY APPLICANTS WHO HAVE REGISTERED AN INTEREST WILL RECEIVE UPDATE NOTIFICATIONS. Project details: Dealing with seafood shell waste is one of a number of projects coming together under the South Devon Fishing Industry Development Scheme (SDFIDS), with the overarching aim of: 'developing the local fishing industry in the South Devon coastal region, and building the infrastructure, supply chains and business environment to support fishing as a sustainable sector'. SDFIDS has secured funding from the Coastal Communities Fund for five (5) projects. Following the withdrawal of the initial partners for a seafood waste recycling scheme a replacement partner is sought. The other projects are: 1. South Devon College enhanced apprenticeship scheme 2. South West Food and Drink - Local food and drink distribution networks 3. National Marine Aquarium - establishment of a scallop hatchery 4. The Crab Shed - café and interpretation centre. The seafood shell waste recycling project is one of five (5) projects coming together under the South Devon Fishing Industry Development Scheme (SDFIDS), with the overarching aim of: 'developing the local fishing industry in the South Devon coastal region, and building the infrastructure, supply chains and business environment to support fishing as a sustainable sector'. SDFIDS has secured funding from the Coastal Communities Fund for the five (5) projects. Following the withdrawal of the initial partner for a crab shell recycling project a replacement partner is sought which is able to meet the committed project outputs and outcomes within the given timescale and budget.
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1 Possible Competitors