South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw NHS CCG's Patient Transport Services
PTS services across the country have been significantly impacted by Covid-19, because of both social distancing and increased virtual health care appointments., The NHS (both locally and nationally) is now in the process of developing models and care pathways which will best support patients reflecting the impact of Covid-19. To develop an effective PTS model, it is essential that demand activity for the service can be forecasted to support capacity planning and ensure any subsequent service can meet the needs of the local populations. , Given the impact Covid-19 will have on future health care models and care pathways is still unfolding an attempt to predict demand and a future model at this moment in time poses significant risk that this will not be fit for purposes and extensive changes to both the model and the service may be required. In addition, NHS England have recently published the Improving non-emergency patient transport services: Report of the non-emergency patient transport review (NHS England, 1 August 2021); the impact of which will need to be considered in future patient transport models., The current PCD PTS contract has been extended by 11 months, to the 31 August 2023, to allow for additional time to understand the implications of Covid-19 and then design any future service model required to meet projected demand. This information will help furnish the Authority with robust data for any future procurement process., The total value of the extension for 11 months is NHS Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group £350,275, NHS Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group £240,876, NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group £527,805, NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group £472,999, and NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group £1,124,865.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors