Southern Line Blockage Tool
Line blockage irregularities pose significant risks to the safety of track workers and the safe passage of trains. An analysis of line block irregularities in the Southern region has identified root causes in the quality of planning, plan validation, and plan execution.The Southern region seeks a line blockage tool that enables signallers to rely on the capability and integrity of the signalling system to identify omissions in either the planning or execution of line blockages. This tool must demonstrably reduce the risk of line blockage irregularities through improved or simplified processes enabled by technology. It should validate planned protection limits relative to a given worksite to calculate the 'minimum protection requirements' and suppress route-setting commands that could compromise worksite safety.The tool must be compatible with existing Network Rail line blockage systems and offer a user-friendly interface for operational deployment. It should also be modular, allowing for future functionality enhancements.The desired outcome of deploying this system is a reduction in irregularities and an increased likelihood of delivering planned work efficiently and safely. To facilitate prompt rollout to the operational railway, any future procurement will prioritize tools that are substantially developed, have a clear route to ergonomic approval and product acceptance, or are already product approved.The supplier of this tool must have a proven track record of delivering software and/or safety-critical systems within Network Rail, demonstrating an understanding of product acceptance, relevant safety authorization processes, and stakeholder acceptance.Full product requirements are explained later in this document.Project Objectives:1.Safety Enhancement:oSuppress route-setting commands that could compromise worksite safety.oProvide additional protection to reduce the risk of line blockage irregularities.2.System Integration:oCompatibility with multiple signalling interlocking systems.oCapability to function across multiple workstations.3.Operational Efficiency:oDeploy protection to the signaller's workstation with minimal process steps.oStore and manage a library of cyclical and pre-planned line blockages.oProvide an overview of all active and planned line blockages to signallers.4.User Interface and Ergonomics:oDesign with ergonomics approval to minimize user interface risks.oValidate requests before deployment to the signaller's workstation.5.Modular and Extensible Design:oModular structure to link or update additional functionalities.oPotential to link to Railhub or similar platforms.6.Emergency Management:oCapability to manage emergency requests and ensure safe system reset.oProvide appropriate alerts and system health indications.Functional Requirements:•Suppress unsafe route-setting commands.•Integrate with multiple signalling interlocking systems.•Provide demonstrable additional protection and risk reduction.•Deploy protection with minimal process steps and a single command.•Store cyclical and pre-planned line blockages.•Validate planned protection limits to calculate minimum protection requirements.•Operate across multiple workstations.•Offer an overview of active and planned blockages.•Validate requests before deploying to the signaller workstation.•Ensure ergonomics-approved design.Non-Functional Requirements:•System should be modular and easily extendable.•Capability to manage emergency requests.•Compatible with existing Network Rail line blockage systems.•Provide alerts, indications, and health status across workstations.•Safely reset after a failure.Supplier Capability and Experience Requirements:•Demonstrate active development in relevant areas for rapid progression to deployment.•Present a realistic development and trial plan within CP7.•Proven track record in delivering software and safety-critical systems for Network
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1 Possible Competitors