Southern Regional Assembly - 1. Development of a framework to support a regional approach for S3 in the Southern Region 2. Smart Region definition and framework to facilitate Smart Cities Driving a Smart Region.
The Southern Regional Assembly is part of the regional tier of Government in Ireland. Responsible for strategic regional and economic planning and supporting balanced, sustainable regional development. We are now procuring consultancy services to advise the Southern Regional Assembly on:1.Development of a framework/toolkit to support a regional approach for Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) in the Southern Region - the SRA are exploring how best to inform a regional Smart Specialisation approach and have identified key actions to facilitate this process. The initial step is to establish a framework for a Southern Region S3 through an ‘in-depth analysis of the Region’s identified sectors as the basis for identifying the specific specialisations on which the Region will base its research and innovation policies, interventions and investment’. This will form the basis for building a framework and informing the national S3 with relevant regional data. 2.Smart Region definition and framework to facilitate Smart Cities Driving a Smart Region - Key to achieving the ambitious vision set out in the RSES for the Southern Region is for all locations, urban and rural, to collaborate on Smart Region Initiatives. The SRA are seeking to develop an applied understanding of what the development of a Smart Region means for different locations with differing attributes. This includes examining learnings from regional and international good practices and creating a framework of good principles and good practices as a tool to assist the integration of resilient Smart Region principles and processes across different themes throughout plans at the local level.
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