Southside Public Realm Improvement Works
Southside district situated in the heart of Chinatown attracts visitors and tourists to the city centre and is one of the most diverse and creative areas of Birmingham. It lies within the boundary of the City Centre Economic Zone (EZ). There is a requirement to transform the pedestrianised area outside the Hippodrome Theatre on Hurst Street into a high quality, lively public space suitable for everyday use and special events. This will create a new heart for Chinatown and will provide an enhanced setting for the Hippodrome and Back to Back Houses plus a gateway to the Gay Village. It will also transform pedestrian and cycling links between New Street Station and Birmingham Smithfield development. The key objectives of this scheme, in line with the Big City Plan and the EZ objectives are to support the city's growth in terms of improving connectivity in the city centre and improve the public realm within Southside creating a unique and cultural heart to encourage further private sector investment and increase the number of visitors to this part of the city. The scope of the works to be awarded to one supplier includes: Providing a consistent, high-quality paving material palette between the south of Hill Street through to Hurst Street and Ladywell Walk. Creation of a new pedestrianised square on Hurst Street to be used as a new event space. Improvements to street furniture, including de-cluttering, upgrading lighting, provision of new trees. Improving eastern crossing facility for pedestrians at the Smallbrook Queensway junction. Improving segregation to the existing contra flow cycleway on Hill Street.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45233260 - Pedestrian ways construction work
45233253 - Surface work for footpaths
45233300 - Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors