Specialist Consultancy Framework (UK Shared Prosperity Fund) (Lot 10 - Social Media Strategy Consultancy and Lot 11 - Sales Consultancy Only)
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council is seeking to appoint suitably qualified consultants to support businesses primarily based in the business parks and town centres. The Framework for consultancy support for the programme is in 18 specialist areas, however, this Procurement is for the 2 Lots as detailed below. Consultants can bid for work in one or more specialist areas (lots on this Framework). The lots will be broken down in the following areas of support; Lot 10 Social Media Strategy Consultancy Lot 11 Sales Consultancy This support is demand-led. It is expected that around 148 businesses incorporating 87 premises based and 61 town centre-based businesses in Knowsley may require some specialist support but the actual demand for each specialist area is not yet known. Delivery will be undertaken over a two-year period. Therefore, due to the undeterminable level and nature of specialist support expected there can be no guarantee of any work under this framework, even for successfully appointed consultants. For a full specification for this opportunity, please register you interest. Bidders are advised that the deadline set out in the documents is absolute. You are advised to upload your submission well in advance of the deadline to avoid any technical issues that might arise causing you to fail to meet the deadline which would lead to the rejection of your submission. The Council is conscious that Bidders spend a huge amount of time, effort and expense in putting together a submission and is keen to ensure that no bid is rejected for this reason. In submitting your quotation you agree to contract on the terms and conditions as detailed on The Chest. Due to the Council's obligations of fairness and equal treatment to all bidders it cannot accept amendments to these terms and conditions or alternative terms and conditions. If you seek to amend the terms and conditions or submit alternative terms and conditions the Council may reject your quotation.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
Status :
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Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors