Specialist Consultancy Services - Hoylake Beach Geomorphological and Ecology Study
A wide range of views are present regarding the future management of Hoylake beach including continued removal of grasses at Hoylake beach, using the existing techniques or alternative methods. Other views however advocate for allowing natural succession and the management of natural features and habitats. The Council wishes to address all the conflicting views and reach a consensus on a way forward for managing the beach at Hoylake by producing a new Beach Management Plan (BMP) for the frontage. In order to support development of the BMP the Council is commissioning this Ecology and Geomorphology study to provide data and information to enable informed decisions to be made. The Study will: Provide an overview of the historical evolution of Hoylake frontage, reviewing all available data and identifying historical changes in beach evolution. Undertake a ecological assessment of the frontage including a National Vegetation Classification Survey of the inter tidal zone and collation of other relevant designated habitat data to provide sufficient data to support development of an HRA Screening report for on-going beach management, including relevant data on bird usage of the frontage Provide predictions of future change including assessment of a range of future climate change scenarios including predicted changes in areas of habitat; potential for development of other habitats; potential changes in bird feeding/roosting areas by utilising results from the Ecology Survey Provide information for each climate change scenario examined, to allow an assessment of the "Natural Capital Value" of the frontage and how this might be influenced by coastal change. Review present and future flood risk across the frontage under different potential management scenarios. Review of groundwater behaviour behind the sea wall and how potential future beach management actions could impact on behaviour. Provide advices and recommendations on potential future beach management actions/options.
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