Specialist Muck Away Package
Scope The subcontractor will be responsible for the removal from site and safe disposal of all excavated arisings associated with Shaft Excavation construction works. Total quantity approx. 13,870m3. The Subcontractor to ensure maximum muck bin storage is not compromised (250m3- bulk volume). Maximum productivity per day is 290m3 (in-situ volume). Productivity and resource requirements will fluctuate from day to day. Hazardous and odorous spoil removal should be prioritised to ensure safety and environment risks on site are minimised. Disposal cost rates to be per tonne, not per load. Weigh loader readings to be provided on the completed consignment note. A watching brief by a contaminated land engineer/supervisor for all excavations between (and inclusive of) the alluvium up to the uncontaminated chalk. The scope includes: •Understanding of the conditions and action points within the Site Specific Remediation Strategy •Notification to CVB if unexpected contamination is discovered in line with the measures in the Remediation Strategy •Recording and reporting of soil conditions in the form of a daily diary (template to be provided by CVB) taking account of excavation progress, odour constraints, nature of the soils and details relating to the Remediation Strategy and waste management. •Participate in/undertake briefings to the workforce on site conditions and control measures relating to contaminated land as required. •Attend daily SOS, CVB briefings and safety standown's when required. •Provide watching brief for all site excavations (including non-shaft related excavations). CVB would like to review the CV's of the proposed contaminated land engineer/supervisor to ensure competence during tender stage. The contractor will be required to demonstrate implementation of the Waste Hierarchy against the Tideways waste removal objectives below when selecting sites for waste removal, with a preference shown for CVB's nominated receptor sites for beneficial reuse where practicable. These waste objectives and recprtor sites are : •Objective W1 is related to minimising waste to landfill. This should be done by prioritising re-use (where technically feasible), recycling or treatment (for onward re-use/recycling). Landfilling is considered to be the placement of material in commercially available void space, but not space reserved (for example) for engineering or capping layers. Objective W1 must be considered when dealing with any inert and non-hazardous wastes (typically (but not limited to) soil and stones, concrete, brick) that are not connected to the construction of any tunnel, shaft, shaft walls, interception chamber etc. If in doubt, clarification should be sought from CVB JV) •Objective W2 is defined as the 'beneficial use' of material generated from the construction of the tunnel, shaft, shaft walls, interception champers etc. I
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1 Possible Competitors