Specialist Peatland Restoration - Rewetting: North & Mid Argyll (inc North Knapdale)
1.1Forestry and Land Scotland (the Purchaser) look after the national forests and land to enhance biodiversity, support tourism, and increase access to the green spaces that will help improve Scotland’s physical and mental health and well-being. We also continue to provide vital timber supplies to support a sustainable rural economy. Further information on who we are and what it does can be found here: are extensive areas of deep peat on Scotland’s Forests & Land, including many which are afforested. The Purchaser has committed to manage all peatlands on Scotland’s forests and land in a sustainable manner, maximising the delivery of ecosystem services for the benefit of Scotland’s people and environment.The aim of this contract is to provide specialist peatland restoration services to deliver our programme of restoration of degraded peatlands in line with targets agreed with Scottish Government as part of the wider Peatland Action delivery programme.By 2027 onwards, the Purchaser expect to be restoring at least 3,000 hectares annually, thereby reducing carbon emissions, capturing additional carbon, and restoring valuable priority habitats that support priority species in the process. Alongside this is our duty to help deliver Scottish Government’s policy in relation to the Climate Emergency, and to do our part in delivering ecosystem services spanning environmental, social, and economical benefits.
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CPV Codes
77200000 - Forestry services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors