Speech and Language Therapist - Staying Close
This contract is to commission a service to provide speech, language, and communication support to meet the needs of young people in the identified Staying Close cohort. The cohort is identified and engaged by key workers who will be identified from the Aspire Hub Children's homes or a personal advisor. Young people will have influence over who their key worker will be. Base line whole person assessments are completed at this stage, using as assessment tool such as the outcomes star (to be confirmed). There will be a pathway plan for each young person developed that is owned and steered by the young person. The multiagency will work to one plan within the principle of one plan around the young person. Plans will last for the duration of the project and as such will need to be flexible and evolve over time to respond to emerging need. The provider will work as part of a multiagency wrap around team with a small, identified cohort of young people to provide a range of consultation support, training to the team, and assessments and direct interventions with young people.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors