Sport Ireland 54 - Evaluation of the Sport Ireland Urban Outdoor Adventure Initiatives
he Urban Outdoor Adventure Initiative (UOAI) is funded by Sport Ireland through the Dormant Accounts Fund (DAF). The DAF was established by legislation and enables unclaimed funds from accounts in credit institutions in Ireland to be used towards projects for the development of disadvantaged areas. In 2017, 11 LSPs received funding to roll out UOAIs. This was followed by 13 LSPs in who received funding in 2018 and a further 11 LSP who received funding in 2019. The total Dormant Accounts funding received by LSPs in 2017, 2018 and 2019 under the UOAI funding stream amounts to €1,256,135.Sport Ireland now wishes to commission a process and outcome evaluation of the UOAIs funded in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The purpose of this evaluation is to understand to what extent LSPs who have rolled out the initiative, have achieved their intended outputs, outcomes and aims and, what contributed to their success. It is expected that the report will present national level findings across all funded initiatives. The evaluation will use programme guidelines and application forms provided by Sport Ireland as key reference documents. The key findings of this evaluation will inform Sport Ireland’s investment in the Urban Outdoor Adventure Initiatives going forward.The main deliverable of this project is an evaluation report of no more than 45 pages (excluding appendices). This report must address to what extent the aims and outcomes as stated in the framework have been achieved by the Initiatives by undertaking a process and outcome evaluation. Specifically, the evaluation will entail-•A process evaluation to understand how the UOAIs were developed and implemented across different counties by answering the following questions-Reach: To what extent were the targeted participants engaged? What were the factors that influenced this?Fidelity: Did the UOAIs operate in accordance with the UOAI guidelines and details outlined in their respective application forms? What were the factors that influenced this?Partnership: To what ext
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79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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