Sport NI Provision Of Legal Services.
Sport Northern Ireland (referred to as SNI) is an executive non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure. As SNI has been established as a non-departmental public body, it requires a team of professionals to provide high-quality legal advice. While there are many similarities between SNI and other public sector bodies, SNI is unique in providing funding and support to governing bodies of sport, sports clubs and community groups. This means that SNI has its own individual focus and requirements mix.SNI require legal advice on a wide range of general business and commercial matters as well as specialist advice on legal issues concerning public sector bodies. They require a supplier to provide comprehensive legal services, high-quality advice, as well as being familiar with the public sector in Northern Ireland, how it operates and all aspects of EU and United Kingdom/Northern Ireland law governing the operation and functions of Northern Ireland public sector bodies.
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CPV Codes
79100000 - Legal services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors