
‘Sport Works’ National Project Development Proposal


OVERALL PURPOSEThe Coalfields Regeneration Trust (CRT) is commissioning a national project development proposal with the aim of developing and delivering a united, consistent ‘Sport Works’ programme across the 3 CRT nations.The proposal will require a realistic assessment of the following:•A robust evaluation of existing programme delivery, vision and outcomes across England, Scotland and Wales coalfield community areas, to ensure full alignment with the needs of each nation whist complementing current delivery programmes across the Trust as a whole.•Research and analysis of the current market, including potential competitors, collaborators and partners.•Development of a coherent and consistent approach and theory of change across 3 nations representing a strong business case to potential UK funders.•Cost analysis.•Consultation with all 3 CRT nation representatives.•An analysis of risk.•An analysis of investment / funding opportunities that can best deliver the project.•To consider various Company structures for effective delivery of the project including stakeholder interests.BACKGROUND‘Sport Works’ is an existing CRT programme (currently delivered by CRT Scotland and CRT Wales) targeted at potential participants sometimes defined as ‘hard to reach’ within society i.e. 16 – 24 year olds Not in Education, Employment or Training.‘Sport Works’ re-engages learners and provides them with the skills, qualifications and experience to enter employment, volunteering activity or further learning.All CRT nations benefit from significant research and experience of delivering sport based employability programmes. However, whilst the existing ‘Sport Works’ programmes in Scotland and Wales inherently adopt the same delivery model the ‘back end’ functionality is disparate i.e. data capture, monitoring & evaluation systems, timetable, qualifications, branding, participant recruitment and individual learning plans, aftercare, staff skills, impact reporting.A coherent approach and greater convergence of ‘Sport Works’ delivery would help CRT achieve and demonstrate greater social impact whilst staying true to CRT’s values, principles and ethos.OUTCOME•Help position CRT as a ‘Sport for Change’ charity ‘where sport is intentionally used as a tool to deliver social impact beyond participation in sport’.•Practical recommendations i.e. shared brand, marketing, timetable, accreditation, staff training, data management etc. - making what we already do more efficient and effective - better and bolder. In turn, this will help us ‘do more’ to improve health, well-being and achieve better outcomes for coalfield residents.•Identify commonalities that result in efficiency savings and improve the potential to secure large scale UK contracts.•The proposal should be produced in consideration of the likely audiences of the document and be ‘print ready’.ASSESSMENT OF TENDERSOverall assessment will be concerned with value for money taking into account the quality and cost of the proposals; in particular the assessment will focus on:•Understanding of requirement•Experience, knowledge and skills of the team members who will deliver the programme of work in this and related fields•A track record of delivering high quality projects on time to client organisations•Proposed methodology for undertaking the study, including appropriate community partners, and management involvement and communication•Specialist knowledge where appropriate•The proposed costsTENDER PROCEDUREApplicants are required to submit a quote based on the above to bid for this work. Quotes must include an outline of how you would approach the work, the team who will deliver, how you would meet the objectives, how you would measure success, anticipated milestones, reporting and a detailed budget. In addition two referees are required.APPOINTMENT PROCESSThe contract awarded will be subject to a Provider Agreement and the project will be commenced as soon as possible after appointment is made.


Published Date :

14th Aug 2017 in a 7 years

Deadline :

25th Aug 2017 in a 7 years

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors