SPS 2093 - Housing Support Contract (Accommodation) Socially Excluded Adults
The service will provide housing support to socially excluded vulnerable adults who do not meet the social care threshold and include but not limited to the following groups: •Substance misusers •Offenders •Rough Sleepers The service provider will be required to work in conjunction with Royal Greenwich Housing, Community Safety, Public Health, Adult Services, Clinical Commissioning Group, Social Landlords, Private Landlords, other partners and service users to provide a service that meets the outcomes outlined in the specification and will consider all opportunities to enhance the experience of the socially excluded vulnerable adults who use the service. Services commissioned by RBG are about promoting independence and enabling service users to manage their own affairs and reducing utilisation of public or voluntary services, statutory and non-statutory services, and are: •Outcome focused •Maximise utilisation and throughput •Emphasise timely move on to independent living
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85311000 - Social work services with accommodation
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors