SPS 2572 - Royal Greenwich Platinum Jubilee 2 day Festival 2022; Together 22 - Platinum Edition and The Platinum Picnic
Royal Borough Greenwich (RBG) is looking to source one event organisation to produce both events on our behalf. RBG's aim is to provide 2 great, free events for local people to come along with their friends and families to celebrate our local communities and the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. RBG wants a provider to execute the Council's ideas for the festival, enhanced by the providers festival management experience. Please note, RBG already has a site layout in mind for the 2 days of events. Following the successful makeover last year of our summer community get together festival; Together 21 exceeded expectations and was extremely well received by 12,000 residents on the day In 2021 the festival took place on Saturday 21 August from 12-8pm and was located in Charlton Park, SE7. The festival was very spread out and used all parts of the park including the Charlton House's gardens and consisted of: •a main stage with live bands, singers and groups •a dance tent with live dance acts and DJs •children's areas with 'have a go' activities, musical and theatrical performances and workshops •wellness area with activities such as yoga and tai chi and under 5's experiences •sports & leisure area including Greenwich Get Active games and information •community zone featuring representatives from council departments, community centres and local voluntary and charity groups •marketplace with local and craft stalls •fairground rides •Royal Greenwich Festivals area including cultural activities, workshops and creative experiences including music, dance and crafts (NB these suppliers were funded via the Royal Greenwich Festival grant programme and were not part of the formal tender budget) •Covid memorial/reflection area •variety of food and drink stalls including bars selling alcohol This year, because of the Platinum Jubilee, the Council would like to hold a 2 day event on the bank holidays of Thursday 2 June and Friday 3 June, both in Charlton Park again. On Thursday 2 June we would like to hold Together 22 - Platinum Edition from 12-6pm and on the following day we would like to hold The Platinum Picnic from 12-4pm. The Royal Borough of Greenwich Events and Culture team is looking for a partner to produce both public events on our behalf.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79952100 - Cultural event organisation services
79952000 - Event services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors