SPU CO49-2020 - Readvertisement - Provision of Ecohydrology and Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Scientific Support
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage provides the legislative and policy framework for the conservation of nature and biodiversity in the Republic of Ireland. It also oversees its implementation, based on good science, with particular emphasis on the protection of habitats and species. The conservation of restoration of biodiversity and habitats in Ireland necessitates scientific monitoring, whilst also highlighting its value in relation to global processes such as climate regulation, food security and water supply. Over the past two years NPWS has greatly expanded its ecological monitoring remit to incorporate ecohydrological flows (water levels, runoff and quality related to ecosystems) and greenhouse gas monitoring from peatlands (flux chamber and eddy covariance monitoring), via LIFE and Scientific Unit (SU) funded projects. Associated with this, has been the incorporation of environmental infrastructure (data loggers/ sensors, meters, equipment, structures) and new capacities for reporting in water and climate topics, in addition to biodiversity.The purpose of this request for tender is to procure scientific support to manage the infrastructure and expanding work programme in ecohydrology and greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring. This is to assist Ireland in meeting its international and national legal obligations in terms of nature conservation and climate action.See RfT Document
Published Date :
Deadline :
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Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90000000 - Sewage-, refuse-, cleaning-, and environmental services
90710000 - Environmental management
90712000 - Environmental planning
90714000 - Environmental auditing
90700000 - Environmental services
90712400 - Natural resources management or conservation strategy planning services
90720000 - Environmental protection
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors