SPU CO35-2020 - Readvertisement: To procure external services for a nationwide citizen science-based bird monitoring programme, comprised of the Countryside Bird Survey and Irish Wetland Bird Survey
National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (DCHG) is responsible for the conservation and management of natural habitats and species and the protection of biological diversity in Ireland.The Countryside Bird Survey (CBS) and the Irish Wetland Bird Survey (I-WeBS) provide the largest and most significant contribution to monitoring Ireland’s birds. The CBS has been running since 1998 and I-WeBS since 1994, with each survey undertaken nationwide annually. The CBS is used to accurately monitor 52 species of widespread breeding birds, while I-WeBS gathers data on 72 wintering waterbird species. The I-WeBS programme also includes a number of associated species-specific surveys, such as periodic goose and swan censuses, as well as the Non-estuarine Coastal Waterbird Survey. Data from CBS and I-WeBS informs Ireland’s Article 12 reporting under the Birds Directive, covering almost 60% of bird species which are reported on by Ireland. Both surveys also help identify research gaps/needs and contribute to national and international initiatives, such as the European Farmland Bird Index (FBI) (one of the EU’s Sustainable Development Indicators) in the case of CBS and the International Waterbird Census (I-WeBS).Recent Irish Wildlife Manual reports summarise the results of the CBS and I-WeBS monitoring programmes (see Heretofore, CBS and I-WeBS have been co-ordinated by professional staff of BirdWatch Ireland under contract from NPWS (of DCHG). The counters that significantly and regularly contributed to these surveys are largely composed of volunteers, NPWS (DCHG staff) and BirdWatch Ireland staff. See RfT Document
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90000000 - Sewage-, refuse-, cleaning-, and environmental services
90714400 - Activity specific environmental auditing services
90714100 - Environmental information systems
79311000 - Survey services
71355200 - Ordnance surveying
71355000 - Surveying services
90700000 - Environmental services
90711000 - Environmental impact assessment other than for construction
90711300 - Environmental indicators analysis other than for construction
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors