SSCON4613 - supply and implementation of a residential customer data analytics solution and support services
The purpose of this tender is to engage with a third party provider who uses proprietary algorithms to gain insights from residential customer data. The successful Saas provider will be required to work with Electric Ireland residential customers’ data to deliver insights back to the business. These insights may be delivered back to the customer via a variety of digital channels. In the first three years we envisage that this will include analysis of up to 100K customers’ data. In the following three years we expect this figure to reach 230K customers total.The main components will be:•Best Practice end to end roadmap outlining customer contact strategy for first 2 years.•Continuous customer on-boarding.•Delivery of a messaging wrapper to deliver the right message based on analytics to the right customer across all channels.•Program administration tools & relevant incident management & support services.•Best practice security data protection and access management.•In/out data integration with Electric Ireland CIS Systems and customer engagement systems through best practice interfaces.•Provision of an admin/ customer service agent interface that streamlines the support process for Electric Ireland staff. •Delivery of data to enable:oInteractive charts displaying energy use in Euros, kWh, or CO2 emissionsoProvision of customer Alerts & Notifications. oProvision of energy statements including comparison data, peer to peer comparison, high level disaggregation, hints & tipsoBill alert notificationsoWeekly consumption notifications
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support.
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors