SSJ - Social Development Implementer Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Veracruz Shade Coffee Project (VSCP) - Mexico City
All Official Development Assistance needs to comply with the International Development (Gender Equality Act) 2014. This applies to UK PACT programming in Mexico. UK PACT aims to deliver more than compliance with GEA - it has high ambitions for improving GESI and works to ensure GESI considerations are integrated throughout all aspects of the project. GESI-centred interventions lead to better-designed climate actions because they are based on a more comprehensive understanding of community needs. The VSCP is part of a larger, joint science-based programme on seed conservation and sustainable use of tree diversity in Mexico. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of smallholder farmers to mitigate climate change, conserve biodiversity, and improve livelihoods. The community aspect of the project is at the centre of its implementation. The UK's International Development (Gender Equality) Act (GEA) of 2014 requires that all ODA investments integrate GESI as a priority. We therefore propose employing a former DfID Social Development Adviser with extensive GESI expertise, fully understands GEA requirements and has a strong track record of delivering on UK projects over the past three years in Mexico and Colombia. The same expert has worked directly with communities around the world and has extensive experience on the interconnection between climate change and gender. Several Development Section staff have worked with her first-hand and can vouch for her high quality work outputs and professionalism. Her recent work profile, UK government experience and technical expertise make her the only candidate who can deliver the scope of work included in the attached Terms of Reference. She also offers exceptionally good value for money. A brief market engagement with other SDAs has been conducted - where the scope of the services are identical or very similar, the overall cost of the selected SDA is less than a third of what has been offered by her peers.
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1 Possible Competitors