STA - Data Migration from RaSMIS to the Unified Grants System
The overall aim of the contract is to manage the data migration from RaSMIS to UGS for skeleton, archive, live grants and pipeline data. Appendix 1 contains the data strategy document which includes details of the estimated numbers of records that will need to be migrated. This aim has the following key tasks that are also shown in more detail within the UGS Delivery System User Stories (Appendix 2): •To provide reports from RaSMIS identifying completed grants for in-scope schemes that are within the retention period for migration to UGS as skeleton data. Transform the data and work with appropriate teams (including the testing team) to ensure the data has been migrated successfully. •To provide reports from RaSMIS identifying completed grants for legacy schemes that are within the retention period for migration to Power BI as archive data. Transform the data and work with appropriate teams (including the testing team) to ensure the data has been migrated successfully •To work with the UGS Teams and Grants Team for the data mapping and to transform the data for live grants at the point of migration to UGS. Provide reports and work with the team (including the testing team) to ensure that the data has been migrated successfully. •To work with the UGS Teams and Grants Team for the data mapping to transform the data for pipeline grants at the point of migration to UGS. Provide reports and to work with the team (including the testing team) to ensure that the data has been migrated successfully.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors