Standardising wellbeing data collection across the Welsh public sector
Section 39 of the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023 (SPPP Act) requires Contracting Authorities to produce annual socially responsible procurement reports. Among the requirements of these reports, Welsh Contracting Authorities (WCAs) must include:“information that the Welsh Ministers consider they require in order to assess the extent to which—a)a contracting authority meeting its socially responsible procurement objectives contributes to the achievement of the well-being goals;b)a contracting authority’s public procurement, generally, contributes to the achievement of the well-being goals, for example by:i.benefitting the economy of its area, including through the award of contracts to small and medium sized enterprises;ii.taking environmental considerations into account;iii.taking (other) social considerations into account;iv.promoting and facilitating use of the Welsh language.”The Act requires Welsh Ministers to publish regulations that specify the information that must be included in these reports. The purpose of this contract is to:•Take the proposed set of metrics set out in the Specification and work with stakeholders from across the Welsh public sector to determine how to collect the data using existing systems. It will be important for the Client to support these organisations as they work out how to collect the data, and potentially in liaising with their suppliers.•Go back over broader well-being goals and outcomes and advise which of those might lend themselves to quantitative metrics. It is important to note that in so doing, WCAs are still able to report qualitative information and case studies beyond any of the current set of metrics.•Look beyond the public sector and consider whether there are examples of these data being collected in private or third sector supply chains. For example, the successful bidder should carry out desk-based research and engage with some contractors to identify any existing and good practice to learn from.NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at
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CPV Codes
79418000 - Procurement consultancy services
79410000 - Business and management consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors