
Start Up Service - High Potential Starts


The Welsh Assembly Government on behalf of the Welsh Ministers is seeking to engage with quality providers to offer individuals/young businesses appropriate support to help establish new high growth potential business ventures within Wales (see below for qualifying criteria).This is a new innovative pilot aimed at high growth potential entrepreneurs.Suppliers will be required to identify and recruit clients / young businesses that have the potential to be high growth enterprises. Packages of support will be tailored by the suppliers to meet the needs and aspirations of the client. Suppliers will be required to work with partner organizations such as the Welsh Assembly Government, Higher Education Establishments, Financial Institutions, Business Networks, Industry and Local Authorities, as appropriate, to identify appropriate clients for the service.Four pilots are available across Wales. The pilots can have regional or national coverage or alternatively they can be centered around specific sectors and/or higher education establishments.Each pilot is expected to create a minimum of 12 high growth potential businesses over the period of the contract.Up to 12 months pre start and 24 months post start support may be available to suitable candidates.Qualifying criteria for support*Clients must be at pre-start stage or are young businesses that have been trading for less than three years *The product or service must have export potential and the client must be proactively seeking to trade in national (UK) and international markets. A minimum of 30% of sales generated within the 1st year of trading should be from the UK (outside Wales) and/or international sales and this should be maintained throughout the project.*Cumulative sales for the first three years of trading (or for the 3 years over which the business is supported) must exceed £750korCommercialising intellectual assets will generate £1million revenue in three years *20% year on year turnover growth for 3 years*Each business will employ 10+ full time equivalent staff either directly or indirectly (within Wales) by the end of year 3 – two thirds of which should be earning higher than the average salary for Wales (currently £23,500)Providers will be expected to deliver a service that is inclusive to all and that takes into account the needs of all clients and clients groups by ensuring that issues of participation are addressed. As part of the Welsh Assembly Government’s commitment to providing an inclusive service to individuals, providers will be required to achieve and retain a recognised equality kite mark within 12 months of securing the contract. The ability to deliver/facilitate support through the medium of Welsh is a mandatory requirement for this tender.Information sessions for prospective suppliers will be held at venue to in North Wales and South Wales. These sessions will take place week commencing 9th May and 16fh May. Full details on venues, dates and how organisations can book for these events will be provided through the etender wales portal.Full details of the service specification are available in the tender document.The Welsh Assembly Government, on behalf of the Welsh Ministers, will be conducting this procurement exercise through the etenderwales portal Tender documents and other information must be downloaded from and returned through this portal. If you require any further assistance the BravoSolution helpdesk is available on:Email: Phone: 0800 368 4850/ Fax: 020 7060 0480Full information in accessing the portal is found in Section VI.3.


Published Date :

27th Apr 2011 13 years ago

Deadline :


Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors