Stoke on Trent CCG - Psychological Therapy Services.
Stoke on Trent PCT on behalf of Stoke on Trent Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have commissioned a Service that will deliver a high quality, timely and responsive psychological therapy service for the people of Stoke on Trent. The Service will be a primary care and community-based service, offering a range of evidence based psychological interventions to those people who are suffering from common mental health disorders. The Service will continue to develop and build on the current service provision and provide psychological therapies in line with the national IAPT Programme and ensure that the Department of Health's ‘Talking Therapies; A four year action plan' is fully realised for the people of Stoke on Trent. This will involve ensuring that there are clinically integrated pathways for patients with a range of co morbidities such as, long-term conditions and severe and enduring mental illness as well as those patients with medially unexplained symptoms or have other lifestyle issues. The new provider will ensure that there are suitable numbers of qualified practitioners to deliver a stepped care model of psychological therapies in a timely, accessible and flexible manner that addresses the needs of the individuals accessing the Service. The Service will work in a collaboratively manner and will liaise closely with secondary care clinicians/mental health practitioners, primary care clinicians and third sector organisations to ensure that patients' needs are meet holistically balancing the physical, social and psychological needs of the individual and their carer/s. Collaborative bids from any combination of statutory bodies, the Independent Sector and the Third Sector working together would be encouraged.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85121200 - Medical specialist services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors