Stour Environmental Credits Ltd (a wholly owned company of Ashford Borough Council and Canterbury City Council) Seeks Nutrient Neutrality Proposals - Soft Market Testing
Soft Market Testing THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION We would like to take the opportunity to do some "soft market testing" as outlined below, to determine current interest levels in the market. This is very similar to the exercise completed by Ashford Borough Council approximately 12 months ago. What is the issue: Since July 2020, certain planning applications (those providing overnight accommodation, including new housing) located within the Stour catchment and/or which discharge foul water into the catchment, need to achieve nutrient neutrality through mitigation. Natural England have published some principles that the mitigation must meet. Natural England has published and outlined a methodology on this issue and the regulations that any mitigation needs to achieve. In response to this issue, Stour Environmental Credits Limited is looking to innovate and identify ways to solve this problem and enable house building within the catchment. What do we need to achieve: We are looking for proposals that will deliver mitigation for both Phosphorus and Nitrogen that can then be applied to mitigate the impacts of development identified through the 'Appropriate Assessment' process as regulated by the Habitats Regulations. Mitigation achieved can be measured and priced per Kg. We would be interested to know your proposal in terms of; • Evidence that the idea complies with the Habitats Regulations • Examples of use elsewhere • Price per Kg of mitigation Interested respondents are required to submit their proposal by 10:00 Wednesday 5th February 2025 via the Kent Business Portal If you have any questions for clarification, the deadline for submitting these is 10:00 Friday 24th January 2025.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors