Strategic Implementation Partner for the Implementation of Organisational Design at BCP Council
BCP Council is seeking to enter into a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) with a single provider ('the Supplier') as a Strategic Implementation Partner (SIP) by which the SIP will develop Works Packages as recommendations to support in the implementation of BCP Council's Organisational Design Model. The SIP will be responsible for supporting the Council in business improvement changes and partnering with the Council to ensure the delivery of benefit realisation throughout the implementation of organisational design. The SIP will also support the Council in identifying the required technology to deliver the organisational design model. As well as working with the Council to help identify the required technology, the SIP should also be able to support in the development and technical implementation of the identified technology solutions ensuring that the Council's requirements are met by the technology (the technology required to deliver the organisational design model will be under separate third-party arrangement(s)). Under the Strategic Partnership Agreement, work packages will be commissioned by the Council to the SIP. These work packages will be agreed under a governance structure with the SIP and will be signed off by the Council's governance that is set up under this Strategic Partnership Agreement contract. The Council does not guarantee any value under this Strategic Partnership Agreement contract. The SIP will need to be aware that the Council may not commission any work under this agreement and whilst the value of the Strategic Partnership Agreement contract has been set at the figure of £18,000,000, this is not a guaranteed value. The Council is intending two initial work packages through the Strategic Partnership Agreement. The first will be for the production of a strategic programme for the implementation of organisational design including the anticipated work packages required. The second will be a work package for the development of the technology options for the delivery of organisational design. The Supplier will need to be able to offer advice and/or delivery for management consultancy services, commercial consultancy services, technology implementation and project management consultancy services, strategic advice to senior stakeholders and additional resources to support Council capacity and capability.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors