Strategic Support to the Minister of the Interior (SSMI) Phase 2.
The UK's focus on promoting stability in Afghanistan delivers on the National Security Council (NSC) Strategy for Afghanistan, which is informed by the Strategic Defence and Security Review (2010) and the Building Stability Overseas Strategy (2011). By supporting the institutional development of the Afghan Ministry of Interior, this Conflict Security and Stability Fund (CSSF) programme contributes to the goals of promoting security and stability and supporting the prosperity and development of Afghanistan under the UK's Afghanistan Country Business Plan 2015-2018. Specifically, this programme contributes to the outcomes of an effective and sustainable ANSF, improving civilian security institutions, promoting good government and reducing corruption. The programme will be managed by the Public Sector Reform Team (PSRT) in DFID Afghanistan, working out of the British Embassy in Kabul.It is part of a wider programme of support to Afghan policing that includes secondment of five advisors to Resolute Support Mission's capacity building effort in the Ministry of Interior; focussing on budgeting, payroll and strategic policing, plus a maximum of two secondments to EUPOL and two advisers to the General Command of Police Special Units (GCPSU) Special Operations Group. The SSMI II programme comes under the same business case as these secondments, thus there is a requirement that the SSMI II supplier work closely and coordinate with RSM and EUPOL in delivering this programme. Currently, funding has been secured for the first 6-months of the SSMI II programme. DFID Afghanistan will need to bid for multi-year funding from the CSSF during next year's bidding round. The need for multi-year funding has already been highlighted to the CSSF Secretariat in the pipeline. The scope of work will be reviewed and may be adjusted or expanded depending on analysis of the context and the work of other development partners.
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CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors