Strengthening Societal and Economic Resilience in Jordan (SSERJ)
Programme Objective:SSERJ aims to support Government of Jordan (GoJ) to build an inclusive and sustainable safety net system and implement the National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS 2019-2015). The programme will expand contributory social insurance schemes which will allow more informal jobs to be formalised. It will also support an expansion of tax-financed social assistance schemes, seeking greater coherence between national systems and those supporting refugees to improve efficiency. Through this programme the UK will:1.Create the space for necessary economic reforms and protect the most vulnerable - leading to enhanced societal and economic resilience.2.Build GoJ’s capability to implement a strengthened and sustainable social safety net system which supports the formalisation of the economy and prioritises gender sensitive and shock responsive components.3.Promote greater alignment of humanitarian and development systems leading to efficiencies, sustainability and VFM.There are four main components to the SSERJ programme: 1)Technical assistance (TA) for systems strengthening2)TA for policy development3)Direct financial assistance (FA) for beneficiaries4)Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) FCDO will procure a Managing Agent to deliver Technical Assistance components and support financial assistance (FA) work to the GoJ.
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CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors