
Strengthening the capacities of domestic abuse attention units in Mexico


REGION - Latin America (Mexico) The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), represented by the British Embassy in Mexico City, seeks to appoint a Service Supplier for the implementation of FY 20-21 International Programme activity in Mexico entitled "Strengthening the capacities of domestic abuse attention units in Mexico", which the Service Supplier will co-design and deliver. For the purpose of this project, domestic abuse refers to a pattern of behaviour that involves physical psychological, economic, sexual, or coercive violence from an abuser towards a victim. Both persons must be 'personally connected' and the person who is carrying out the behaviour and the person to whom the behaviour is directed towards must be aged 16 or over. Additionally, children will be explicitly recognised as victims if they witness abuse. The International Programme granted a series of funds to promote solutions to the COVID-19 crisis. The projects will contribute towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and guaranteeing a sustainable and inclusive recovery. The UK Government is looking to identify and support projects that meet both these objectives. The planned Domestic Abuse Project focuses on strengthening the prevention, attention and investigation capacities of the domestic abuse protection units. The Project's expected outcome is improving the domestic abuse attention units' capacity to prevent, investigate and sanction cases of incidents of domestic abuse; their ability to support victims; and their technical skills. The Project's intended impact is improving the institutional response to cases of domestic abuse and providing more comprehensive support for victims. We now need to identify, prioritise and agree with the Mexican government the specific interventions and activities that the project will implement in order to have maximum possible impact, taking into account the pandemic's evolving context. We therefore require an implementer to define areas of focus; to bring together local and UK expertise (e.g. UK's multiagency approach); and to design, organise and implement a series of the virtual trainings. All project activity will be carried out in line with the Embassy's mission statement, gender strategy and HMG policy on Gender-Based Violence. The full requirements are set out in Attachment 4 - Terms of Reference. Please read the instructions on the tendering procedure carefully as failure to comply may invalidate your tender. Your tender must be submitted via email to by 23:59 (Mexico time) on 18 September.


Published Date :

12th Oct 2021 3 years ago

Deadline :

19th Sep 2020 4 years ago

Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

Awarded date :

26th Nov 2020

Contract Start :

1st Oct 2020

Contract End :

31st Mar 2021

Tender Regions


CPV Codes

80520000 - Training facilities

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Status :


Assign to :

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors