Stroke Support Services
We require delivery of an information and advice service and a service which directly provides support for Stroke Survivors and Carers of Stroke Survivors across Cumbria. The service shall be a person-centred Service which builds support around the Service User and/or Carer and provides maximum choice, control and flexibility in the way support is received regardless of the setting whilst maintaining Service Users/Carers dignity and respect. The vision is to make a positive difference to peoples' lives through delivering and developing community based activities that focus on prevention, recovery and supporting the promotion of independence. This should be achieved through early intervention and ensuring people are well informed to what options are available to them. This should support the need for long term care services and reduce unnecessary hospital admissions. The service must be of high quality, safe, support best practice, and provide value for money that meets the quality outcomes and safeguarding responsibilities of the Council. For Stroke Survivors and Carers of Stroke Survivors this shall mean that they are supported to: a) Live independently within their community, leading a full and active life; b) Improve and maintain health and wellbeing; c) Exercise maximum choice and control over their own life; d) Benefit from raised profile and awareness of the needs of Stroke Survivors and their Carers e) To be better informed through the provision of information, advice and support; f) Participate as active and equal citizens, both economically and socially; g) Have the best quality of life and wellbeing, irrespective of illness or disability; h) Prevent, delay and reduce the need for care and support; and i) Retain maximum dignity and respect.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors