Student Living summer halls cleaning
Derbyshire Student Residences Ltd (Student Living) operate nine halls of residence sites in Derby and one site in Buxton. These sites range from 60 bed studio flats to a 423 bedroom site arranged in cluster flats from 4 to 11 people. Sites range in age from c. 1995 to as recent as 2018 although a number have been refurbished more recently. Typically, students in the accommodation will have a bedroom with either an en-suite bathroom facility (normally a "pod" style but also some tiled or wet room varieties) or a sink in the bedroom and access to a toilet/shower facility within the flat. Flats are then completed typically with a central corridor and a kitchen/dining space. Some also have a small lounge/social space either separate or as part of the kitchen area. Every year students move in during September and vacate late June or early July. It is at this point that Student Living look to clean the accommodation ready for the new September intake. This cleaning function is achieved through a mix of in-house cleaners and the bulk by external contractors such as yourselves. Student Living are pleased to invite cleaning contractors to tender for the Summer 2021 additional cleaning requirements. Please register on Oracle using the link below. When you are registered, you will be able to navigate to 'View Active Negotiations' and search for QUO5000000199.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors