Sub-Contractor for New Build Schemes - Mastic Sealant 2020-21
Sub-Contractor for New Build Schemes The Authority is looking to appoint sub-contractors to support delivery of new build homes on three Authority owned sites. The Principal Contractor for the scheme with be North Tyneside Council. The opportunity has been divided into three lots as follows: = Lot 1 The Cedars, Collingwood Ward - North Shields This site formerly housed the Cedars sheltered scheme that was decommissioned as surplus in 2016. The building on the site was demolished in 2017 and planning approval has been secured for 12 new general needs homes. The works are to be completed during the period 30/03/2020 to 30/03/2021 Lot 2 Edwin Grove, Howdon - Wallsend This is the site of the Edwin House which is a decommissioned building previously used as supported housing. The existing building will be demolished under a separate contract and planning approval has been secured for 3 new affordable homes being built in its place. The works are to be completed during the period 03/02/2020 to 09/10/2020 Lot 3 Bawtry Court, Battle Hill Wallsend This is a cleared site following the demolition of the former Bawtry Court sheltered scheme in April 2016. planning approval has been secured for 9 new general needs homes The works are to be completed during the period 17/02/2020 to 17/02/2021 A single Provider will be appointed for each lot. The Works have been divided into separate contracts for each discipline therefore there will be multiple trades working on site. The Authority reserves the right to review and update the structure and content of any/all Lot(s) within the the New Build Schemes at any time during the life of the Contract to ensure that it remains consistently effective and efficient. The Documentation is available to access and download immediately once organisations have registered their interest in this opportunity via the ProContract electronic Tendering Portal ONLY and the, website
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45400000 - Building completion work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors