Supplier to Develop a specification for prototype data dashboards based on the statutory cattle data held by Livestock Information Ltd
Interested parties must please email to receive the full specification for these services in order to apply: Summary The project involves the development of a specification for prototype data dashboards for dairy and beef enterprises based on statutory traceability data. The work will be undertaken in collaboration with AHDB and the Livestock Information (LI) Ltd Business Intelligence team. •The awarded supplier will be provided with access to statutory cattle traceability data held by LI Ltd subject to signing a data sharing agreement or non-disclosure agreement. This data is based on that currently held by British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS). •This project will involve the recommendation of enterprise type definitions and KPIs based on work already undertaken by AHDB and others and then tested and further developed with the dataset provided. •An important aspect of the work is developing recommendations about how to present the data in a way that stimulates interest and more informed decision making on-farm as a consequence. •Deliverables from this work will comprise: a)Definition in data terms of enterprise types to be reported against in the dairy and beef sectors b)Definition in data terms of metrics, KPIs and reporting periods across the cattle systems defined c)Recommendations for benchmarking rules and functionality to the extent that these can be implemented in a prototype and tested d)Recommendations for tiered reporting functionality and data interrogation e)Evaluation and recommendation of presentation options f)Inclusion of industry feedback to test and refine the development of a-e g)Delivery of technical specification for prototype development and testing •It is crucial that all suppliers can demonstrate they have proven experience of working with datasets containing similar information to that in BCMS in the dairy and beef sectors to report insights on enterprise productivity.
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1 Possible Competitors