Supply and Delivery of Fresh Produce and Chilled Prepared Produce
Trafford Council (the Council), acting on behalf of AGMA (Association of Greater Manchester Authorities), invites tenders for the award of a contract for the Supply and Delivery of Fresh Produce and Chilled Prepared Produce.r r The Specification details the service and quality standards required followed by a summary of the Delivery Requirements required by each Participating Authority.r r Trafford Council, as a member of the STAR Shared Procurement Service, is looking to award a contract on behalf of AGMA (Association of Greater Manchester Authorities) for the Supply and Delivery of Fresh Produce and Chilled Prepared Produce to schools, social care establishments, commercial establishments and other council establishments. r r Companies are required to submit tendered prices for ALL products listed in the Pricing Schedule. r r As a member of the AGMA, the contract is led by Trafford Council, as a member of the STAR Shared Procurement Service, but is available for other AGMA and non- AGMA members and associate members to join.r r The following organisations have initially expressed an interest in using this contract, although other AGMA and non-AGMA councils/authorities may join during the period of the agreement:r r Greater Manchester Policer Oldham MBCr Rochdale Councilr Salford Council r Trafford MBCr Warrington Councilr Bolton Councilr (each a Participating Authority and together with the Council the Participating Authorities)r r Although Trafford Council will be the Contract holder, the successful bidder will invoice each Participating Authority for any orders placed by that Participating Authority.r r Tenders may only be submitted via the Chest portal ( ).r r The tender will be found under Current Opportunities for Trafford Councilr r The estimated value of the contract is £12m - £16m over the full 6 year term.r r The contract duration is for 6 years, with a break point at the end of year 3.r r Current estimated annual value is approx. £2.2m, based on current proposed participatingr Authorities. However, this may increase should either additional Authorities choose tor participate or inflationary pressures impact on expenditure levels during the life of ther contract.r r The opportunity is available for other local authorities to join, subject to approval from bothr parties
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors