Supply and Install Festive Lights Columns
Nailsea Town Council requires the following work to be carried out on Nailsea High street, Bristol, BS48 1AW 1.Supply and install 32 NAL retention sockets. 2. Supply and Install 30 x 6 Metre 89mm poles. (Powder coated black to match existing street furniture. (Street lighting columns not to be used) 3. Supply and install 32 No Removable brackets to facilitate the installation of the Christmas lights a rubber barrier should be installed between the pole and the bracket to prevent galvanic corrosion between dissimilar metals. Brackets should be tightened on to poles with Metal Clamps Nuts and Bolts, Steel Banding not to be used. 4.Supply and fabricate 13 No bollards to match existing with a steel extension to allow installation into 89mm Retention Sockets, when replacing Poles when not required. 5.Remove 1 No existing Column and replace with NAL Retention Socket at new location 6.Remove 1 No existing damaged Column, Repair and replace with NAL Retention Socket. 7.All work to be Noticed with North Somerset Council with all work Licensed under Street Works Act. Carried out by Companies HERS (Highway Electrical Registration Scheme) and NRSWA accredited Staff 8.All excavations to be Hand Dug due to prominence of Utilities in the footway with Re-instatements to match existing. 9.Installation of Poles to include use of Hi-Ab to reduce associated manual handling risks. 10.Price to include Traffic Management, Provision of Utility Plans and any Out of Hours Working. 11.Insurance Cover should be £10,000,000 for Public/Products Liability All work to be completed before November 2023 prior to Christmas Lighting being Installed. Tenders must be delivered to Mrs Jo duffy
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1 Possible Competitors