Supply and installation of anti-climb barriers to roofs at Kedleston Low Secure Unit, Kingsway Site, Derby
The Trust's Kingsway Site comprises of five individual mental health units together with corporate and Estates buildings. The Kedleston Low Secure Unit provides a gender specific low secure service for males who demonstrate disturbed behaviour in the context of a serious mental disorder and who require the provision of security. The works involve the erection of anti-climb barriers to roof eaves and part gables, rainwater pipe protection and lightning conductor protection. The aluminium curved profile barrier system is to prevent unauthorised access to low roof areas and is to be fitted directly to the existing building's fascias, gables and trussed roof structure. The system is to incorporate the existing guttering system including all down pipes. Anti-climb sections are to be provided for a roof pitch of approximately 28deg. and are expected to have a height between 500mm-800mm; constructed from 2-3mm aluminium with powder coated finish in bull nose sections, fixed via stainless steel galvanised brackets. The overall length is approximately 55 linear metres of installation. The works will be carried out whilst the unit is fully operational.
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