Supply and Installation of Concrete Screed
The St. Matthew's Enterprise Project is a Community Led Local Development project, funded in part from the European Regional Development Fund. CLLD activity is funded through European Structural and Investment Funds. Giroscope Limited acquired the freehold of the former St Matthew's Church in 2018. Our Community Led Local Development project will bring the building back into use as a community enterprise hub providing both offices and work spaces, and other areas for community use. This invitation to quote is for the supply and installation of concrete screed flooring to cover an area of approx 442.5m2, suitable for the intended finish in accordance with the relevant British Standards (including BS 8204 and BS 8203) and manufacturer's recommendations. The screed is to be applied on top of an underfloor heating system (see appendix section). There should be a minimum 25mm of cover over the highest point of pipes and insulation. The underfloor heating pipes are specified as 16mm Pert S5 Polythene pipes with a 2.0mm wall thickness at 150mm centres. 40mm tackerclips will secure the underfloor heating pipes to the insulation sub-base. The total thickness of the screed required is therefore estimated to be 50 - 75mm to ensure coverage of the underfloor heating pipes. Your quote should specify the thickness of the screed you would recommend to ensure optimum performance and durability. The screed should be installed with the relevant expansion joints as required, consistent with the size of the slab, and between any independently controlled heating zones. The final floor finish will be a resin applied to the screed (Epoxy, MMA or similar), and so the screed specified should be suitable for a resin top layer. Please read the attached document for further information and provide a written quote to Martin Newman at
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CPV Codes
45262321 - Floor-screed works
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors