Supply & Installation of LED footway lighting project
Princes Risborough Town Council (PRTC) plan to refurbish their footway lighting stock. The project will improve visibility leading to safer paths for residents, realise a significant reduction in street lighting energy used, a reduction in street lighting maintenance costs and an improved carbon footprint. Objectives: 1.PRTC wish to replace all SON, SOX and 70watt EL lanterns with suitable LED fittings to illuminate footpaths and road areas using existing columns in their existing location. Where lanterns are mounted on wooden poles, the existing brackets will be cut back to remove the upswing in the bracket arms. The lanterns will be factory finished in black and will be set as close as possible to an uplift of 5 degrees. 2.The successful tenderer will supply and fix the agreed LED fitting to the column. The agreed LED fitting will be chosen from a small range of priced LED fittings. Tenderers will be required to provide photometric and electrical data for the fitting range they have chosen as part of the tender return package to allow PRTC to make an informed decision. Stage 1 is 275 luminaire only or luminaire and dangerous column replacement. Stage 2 is remaining luminaire replacement. Both stages will be awarded to a single contractor.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors