Supply chain Notice: DEOP St Davids Barracks Bicester - 42057.01 Carpentry and Joinery
* Please provide a detailed description of the notice you are adding: Work packages for the construction delivery services at St Davids Barracks Bicester for the Defence Estate Optimisation Portfolio. Lendlease are delivering works at St Davids Barracks Bicester on behalf of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation involving the reconfiguration and refurbishment of existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure to provide the MOD with improved Live/Work/Train requirements. High-level Scope of works: Construction of internal walls and partitions to also include cubicles and showering facilities. Provision and installation of internal doors, fire doors and door signage. Provision and installation general fittings, furnishings and equipment including but not limited to shelving, lockers, benches to locker rooms and showers, blinds/screening to windows, proprietary racking, Hand dryers, curtains, curtain tracks and signs/notices.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45422000 - Carpentry installation work
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors